Monday, September 7, 2015

Movie Review Blog #2: Legally Blonde 2-Red, White and Blonde

For the purposes of this assignment, our teacher wants to know: How is Legally Blonde #2 is related to current issues and how government works?

How does this film relate to current issues? Animal testing was a big issue in 1990's and 
still important today. Even though people still care about the treatment of animals, it does not seem 
like a big issue today. The free-market economy has allowed for people to purchase products that arenot tested on animals, so people can make a choice. In terms of how bills are passed through committee and congress, the process still the same as shown in the movie.

What connections can you make to US government?  This movie is about how laws are passed and how lobbying works.  Even though Elle Wood used humor, put on a fun rally with cheerleaders and a band, networked with people who know the right people, used her connections and complimented senators to get to people to support her cause, this is how lobbying still works today.

In the end, Elle Woods bill does pass but almost was rejected because her friend traded her vote for another bill.  I disagree with that Elle would have had success presenting her case to the House of Representatives because it was controlled by conservatives and usually conservatives side with business of these types of matters and would want the market to decide.

Movie Review: Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde

I was in a remote area of Northern Michigan when I realized that I had missed part of my summer assignment for my AP US Government class which included watching and discussing an approved movie.  Of course,  the Internet was not working very well--so no Netflix, and I had to pick a movie that was on cable TV.   To me,  there were several movie that should have been on the list like The Patriot and Zero Dark Forty.  Unfortunately, the only movie that was on cable television last night and that was on the approved list was Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde. A few questions for us to answer include:

What is the major theme of the film?  In addition to planning her wedding at Fen-way Park to her former teacher/boss, Elle Wood, the main character, goes to Washington DC and works for a sorority sister who is a Representative in the US Congress to change a law related to animal testing for cosmetics.

How does this film relate to current issues? Animal testing was a big issue in 1990's. Even though people care about the treatment of animals, it does not seem like a big issue today. How bills are passed seems still the same as shown in the movie.

• What connections can you make to US government?  This movie was about how laws are passed and how lobbying works.  Even though Elle Wood used humor, a fun rally with cheerleaders and a band, and complements to get to people to support her cause, this is how lobbying and influence still works today.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MY OPINION OF "The Enemy Within" by Michael Savage -POST 4

In summary, this book is a great book and I recommend it to everyone who has an open mind, or likes Michael Savage or  would like to hear another viewpoint.  Michael Savage is funny, yet very critical and has a low tolerance for people who do stupid things.  So, some people may not enjoy his strict message if they disagree with his general philosophy.

It is hard to disagree with Michael Savage because he is logical and very well educated in a lot of areas.  He is a best selling author, yet provokes controversy.  For example, he is banned in England because they believed that his views would provoke violence.  We are lucky to have free speech in this country, but I think people try to ban Rush Limbaugh and Mike Savage here too.  So, all the more reason to read this book.

This book definitely enhanced my understanding of politics in America.  It gave me more ideas about what is going on in this country at a high level that may be eroding our beliefs and safety.  I am very worried about reducing our military.  Ronald Reagan believed in "Peace through strength" and I agree with this belief.   I am not sure why certain people want our country to be less powerful, but I am fearful of what the future looks like for America as China increases it military strength.  So, the message of this book is good to hear.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

BOOK SUMMARY "The Enemy Within"-by Michael Savage POST 3

As I predicted in my last post, the second half of the book spoke about the Dr. Savage's belief that the liberals of trying to destroy our faith and our schools.

Dr. Savage believes that liberals want to define our religious beliefs and want to force a certain value system upon us.  Liberals believe that all religions should accept abortion, homosexuality, and birth control and will develop laws to punish religions or people that disagree with this.  

In terms of schools, Dr. Savage talks about how liberals are trying to change our schools on this outside and inside.  On the outside, liberals want to get rid of private and religious schools that teach other lessons that they don't agree with.  On the inside, Dr. Savage believes that only one type of student is supported.  He gives an example of a student who is dressed like a drug dealer but a huge Michael Savage fan and conservative.  Michael Savage believes that people only dress like drug dealers to fit in in their school system and no one is telling them that this is not appropriate.  Schools that use to value diverse thought and students, now are forcing everyone to be the same.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

INITIAL THOUGHTS -"The Enemy Within" by Michael Savage-POST 2

This books is very political. Michael Savage talks about military, our faith and schools and how they are being affected by the democratic party and other factors in our society.  My first impressions of the book is that is jumps around a lot.   This is not that different then Savages radio show.  He starts out the book with the question "Who is the Enemy Within" and gets straight to the point.   He identifies the enemy as mostly liberals, but makes fun of some conservatives too.

The book was written in 2005, and a lot of it still applies to today. Issues empathized in the first half include the military and faith.   He discusses how the liberals are making the military less active and smaller and believes that is a mistake and we as a country are at risk.  In terms of faith, Savage believes that liberals are taking over our religious beliefs.  Savage believes that everyone should be able to worship as they want, but feels that people are criticized from doing so.

The rest of the book will be about how liberals are taking over our schools and hurting education.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

POST #1 ABOUT THE AUTHOR "The Enemy Within:Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Schools, Faith and Military" by Michael Savage-

This summer, for my AP US Government class, I was asked to select a book that would challenge my thinking. The book I selected is by Michael Savage called "The Enemy Within:Saving America from  the Liberal Assault on Our Schools, Faith,and Military" (2005). I chose this book because I listen to Michael Savage on the radio and I thought that I would like to learn a little more about his thought process.  I enjoy listening to Michael Savage because he seems to challenge people based on their beliefs and doesn't really care rather they are Republicans or Democrats.  He also has low tolerance for uninformed people and isn't always very nice to ignorant people on the radio.  Even though I disagree with this method of debate, his dialogue make me laugh.

Michael Savage was born in New York and was the son of immigrants. He attended Queen College where he got his bachelor degree in biology in 1963. Savage then earned a Master of Science degree in botany from the University of Hawaii Manoa in 1970 and a Master of Arts from the same instituiion in 1972 ib anthropology. He also obtained a Ph.D. in nutritional ethonomedicine in 1978 from the University of California.   As you can see, Dr. Savage has a broad education which allows him to discuss a variety of topics from nutrition, to politics to the environment.  Even though Michael Savage is a conservative, he has written many books about how liberal thought and policies have hurt America and warns us of the future.  In this book,  I think I will learn about why Michael Savage believes that liberal thinking is taking over schools, faith and our military.  Since Michael Savage uses his radio talk show to express his thoughts about topics that come up, I expect this book to be slanted because it negatively address how liberals are destroying our society in the title.